Intrigue, a mystery on marley...
The game is afoot!
Intrigue, a mystery on marley, a new work conceived, directed and choreographed by Mary Stiegelbauer premiered in March of 2011 at The North Street Playhouse and has toured down to The Elizabethan Gardens in 2011 Manteo, N.C, The Pavilion at the Magnolia Market in 2012 in Manteo, N.C. and the 2014 Capital Fringe Festival in Washington, DC.
Intrigue blends contemporary dance and classical ballet in noir style. A body is found, fatally stabbed. Whodunit? Was it the Wife? The Mistress? The Girlfriend? The Secretary? The Detective working the case discovers that they all had a motive, but who had the nerve?
Dracula, danse macabre
Dracula, danse macabre, a new work directed and choreographed by Mary A. Stiegelbauer premiered at The North Street Playhouse in April of 2012. The company re-staged Dracula in October of 2012.
This adaptation of Bram Stoker’s timeless novel is performed in Stiegelbauer’s distinctive style that blends contemporary dance and classical ballet.
The audience will follow Jonathan Harker to Transylvania and Count Dracula’s castle, setting in motion the beloved gothic tale of love, longing and the battle of good versus evil.
Giselle...a twisted tale
Giselle...a twisted tale is a new work directed and choreographed by Mary Stiegelbauer that premiered at The North Street Playhouse in April of 2013.
Inspired by the beloved classical ballet Giselle, this narrative follows the familiar story line of true love thwarted by class in a time of arranged marriages, but with a twist: ‘Once upon a did conquer all.’ Prince Albrecht, obligated by birth to honor his royal duties, agrees to marry the Queen’s choice of bride: Princess Bathilde. However, the evil Myrtha, Queen of the Wilis, intervenes by arranging for Albrecht to meet the young peasant girl Giselle, allowing the pair to fall deeply in love. Knowing Albrecht will honor his commitment to Bathilde, Myrtha gleefully awaits Giselle’s death from a broken heart and therefore her soul. But, Albrecht successfully battles to bring Giselle back from the dead and free her from the Wilie’s curse…
Foot Work & Foot Lights:
A Mixed Program
draMAStic dance works premiered a new work, FOOT WORK & FOOT LIGHTS: A Mixed Program in August 2013 at The North Street Playhouse.
The company re-staged FOOT WORK & FOOT LIGHTS: A Mixed Program at The North Street Playhouse on April 11 & 12, 2014.
In draMAStic’s definitive style, human experience is presented in vignettes ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous. Foot Work features original works choreographed by founder and artistic director Mary Stiegelbauer and company members Jessica Bracy, Jimmie Lee Brooks III, Krystal Cole, Christina Green, and Jimmy Wencel. Come and enjoy a night of engaging entertainment for all ages.
The Remarkable Voyages o' Molly Reed
Conceived, directed and choreographed by Mary A. Stiegelbauer premiered on March 27, 2015 at The North Street Playhouse.
The company re-staged The Remarkable Voyages o' Molly Reed in 2016.
In 1716, following the tragic loss of their parents, newlywed Molly Reed and her younger sister, Margaret, set sail from their beloved English manor to join Molly’s husband at his sugar plantation in the Caribbean.
Anticipating an uneventful journey, Molly Reed is shocked to find herself battling cut-throat pirates, volatile weather and mythological sea monsters, all while carrying out a task as commanded by the powerful sea goddess Calypso in a bargain for Margaret’s life.
The Remarkable Voyages ‘o Molly Reed is a tale of one woman’s transformation from complacent participant in society’s strictures to empowered individual, certain of her own ability to navigate the unpredictable adventures of life.
Sherlock Holmes
The Loss at Whitechapel